
Choose from 657 Addiction Treatment Centers in Michigan

Michigan has experienced a heartbreaking increase in overdose deaths and many families are struggling to find rehab options that work. It isn’t just Detroit, MI, that’s facing a huge jump in drug statistics. Counties all over the state have reported an increased need for rehabilitation options. In 2010, the state worked to implement a therapeutic medication management program that would make things like Suboxone and Methadone available on a wider scale. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been able to stop the dramatic increase in addiction that still plagues many communities.

Treatment Options

Recognizing addiction is the first step that many people need to make in order to effectively receive treatment. Many families will team up with a group of specialists in order to stage an intervention. This is a way for the people who care about the addicted person to voice their concerns and to encourage entrance into a treatment program. Long-term drug and alcohol users can expect to go through a period of withdrawals as their body experiences detox. These are the unpleasant side effects that come when your body is no longer receiving the chemicals that it’s become so reliant on. This level of addiction usually merits a stay in an inpatient facility. An inpatient facility offers residential services to those suffering from addiction and co-occurring mental illness. For people who are unable to commit to a residential program, there are outpatient options. Outpatient programs still offer an intensive lineup of therapies and community services, but they do so in a way that allows the addict to continue with their daily life. This can be a good option for those with manageable withdrawal symptoms and who genuinely want the tools to stay sober.

Succeeding in Sobriety

The goal of any addicted person is to learn to live life without drugs and alcohol. Some people can go into recovery and never use again. Others may face setbacks. No two people will experience the same path. Aftercare programs such as AA and NA are helpful in providing maintenance services. They give people in recovery a place to go for support among people who understand their position.
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