Orlando, FL

Choose from 29 Addiction Treatment Centers in Orlando, FL

Florida has regularly ranked within the top twelve states for overdose deaths since 2013. This number hasn’t improved in spite of action taken by the Florida Drug and Alcohol Abuse Association to educate and improve treatment availability. Orlando, FL, has suffered a series of tragic events that have been punctuated by its ongoing problem with prescription drug abuse and Opioid addiction. This state was one of the first to experience real issues with “pay-per-prescription” doctors and had to strictly regulate the prescribing and filling of narcotic medications. This led to an increase in drug-seeking behaviors and the use of illegal drugs in an effort to substitute for the lack of prescriptions.

Rehab Options in Orlando

People in places like Orlando suffering from addiction often benefit greatly from inpatient facilities. These residential programs are better suited to handle difficult detox periods and people coming straight from family-led interventions. The withdrawals associated with Opioids and Heroin are particularly traumatic and shouldn’t necessarily be handled on an outpatient basis. Inpatient facilities are also a better option for those suffering from addiction co-occurring with a mental illness. Outpatient programs can be used as a stepping stone after inpatient treatment is finished or for those who have work and familial obligations.

Asking for Help is Hard

For some people suffering from addiction, asking for help is the most difficult part. This is when they must realize the negative impact that drugs and Alcohol are having on their lives and be willing to admit to a lack of control. This is not a sign of weakness; addiction is a very serious disease that can create physical and mental changes that can impact the way that a person lives. Everyone deserves a better quality of life, and people suffering from addiction don’t deserve to be ridiculed or treated poorly because of this problem.
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Orlando, FL


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