Private & Confidential
(877) 322-2450
Finding the right addiction treatment center just got easier with this drug and alcohol rehab in Seattle, WA. With the focus on Mental health services, Cascade Behavioral Health utilizes Mental health treatment .
Patients begin addiction treatment by undergoing a thorough assessment to determine a customized treatment plan within the appropriate setting. Serving Male and Female within the ages of Young adults , Adults and Seniors (65 or older) with a smoking policy of: Smoking permitted in designated area. The programs at Cascade Behavioral Health are facilitated in Hospital inpatient and Outpatient programs.
Patients who require a more intensive approach are assigned to inpatient/residential treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. This requires them to temporarily live on-site to get round the clock care and attention. Outpatient treatment also provides intensive treatment but allows the patient to reside at home while making regular visits to the facility to receive treatment and attend the necessary meetings. Both programs support successful outcomes.
With the most effective therapy, Cascade Behavioral Health utilizes Individual psychotherapy, Couples/family therapy, Group therapy, Cognitive/behavioral therapy, Dialectical behavioral therapy, Behavior modification, Integrated dual disorders treatment, Trauma therapy, Activity therapy and Psychotropic medication to address each challenge patients experience when learning to live in sobriety. Many of the special groups and programs that are managed routinely provide intensive therapy that address underlying issues that led the addict to use in the beginning. These special groups and programs are Seniors or older adults, Persons with serious mental illness (SMI) and Persons with Alzheimer's or dementia.
Drug and alcohol addicts who become patients at Cascade Behavioral Health in Seattle, WA are initially extremely vulnerable. Throughout their time at this addiction treatment facility, they evolve into inspirational productive citizens that we are very proud of. In addition to all the treatment, the ancillary services available at this center includes:
Financing recovery at Cascade Behavioral Health is available with Cash or self-payment, Medicaid, Medicare, Private health insurance, Military insurance (e.g., State mental health agency (or equivalent) funds, County or local government funds, U.S Department of VA funds and IHS/Tribal/Urban (ITU) funds.
If you are looking for drug and alcohol treatment for yourself or a loved one and have more questions about the services provided at this facility, we encourage you to reach out to them for further assistance.
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