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(877) 322-2450
Here's an addiction treatment center in Kingstree, SC that puts patient care at the top of the list with their drug and alcohol treatment services focus on Substance Abuse Treatment providers. Providing these services Williamsburg County Department on Alcohol and Drug Abuse is utilizes substanceabuse treatment and Accepts customers . These specific programs comprise Clients referred from the court/judicial system, Adolescents, Mature women, unmarried persons, Persons with HIV or AIDS and Persons who have undergone trauma.
Specialized in ensuring that patients receive treatment, this substance abuse treatment center serves Female and Female that fall under Children/adolescents and Adults' age groups. Upon the First examination conducted by an addiction specialist, the patient has been delegated a comprehensive addiction treatment program designed to adapt their distinctive circumstance.
Williamsburg County Department on Alcohol and Drug Pharmacy applies an elite selection of treatment approaches to each application within outpatient therapy and out patient.
Special language services are available to those who need it and the smoking policy is Smoking permitted in designated area
The therapy methods used are curative and also have shown success. They are
Proudly offering outpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs which can be intended to support the status and special needs of the patient, this drug and alcohol rehab is proficient in realizing patient care and quality treatment. Patients within a inpatient therapy program continue to live at their house and need to make regular visits to the facility to get the intensive therapy they require. The outpatient programs provide patients having the ability to give care to responsibilities that are daily as well as sometimes work.
Treating alcohol and drug addiction is an extremely delicate procedure which centre provides comprehensive services which strengthen and build the patient throughout their journey . The solutions are:
The illness of addiction is quite serious and requires qualified, professional care when seeking out a sober life. Regrettably , not every story is really just a success story. Funding this chance can be acquired and comprises Cash or self-payment, Medicaid, State financed medical insurance policy other than Medicaid, Private medical insurance and Federal.
When you do have more questions about the professional services provided, we encourage you to reach them out directly so that they are able to appropriately address your inquiries.
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