Eugene, OR

Choose from 14 Addiction Treatment Centers in Eugene, OR

Overdose deaths in Oregon have risen accordingly with the Opioid epidemic sweeping across the US. Cities like Eugene and Portland are experiencing alarming numbers of people who aren’t sure where or how to get the help they need. The OR Health Authority has been compiling data and attempting to come up with a solution to this growing problem. This often involves more cohesive treatment facilities that are better able to deal with detox and addiction. Educating the family on intervention techniques and therapeutic activities has also helped to combat addiction. It’s important to understand the available treatment options and to choose the one that’s going to be the best fit for the person who needs it.

Treatment Options in Eugene

Outpatient programs can provide treatment in a more relaxed atmosphere. These often include up to eight hours of therapeutic activities throughout the day with the ability to return home at the end of the day. Unfortunately, outpatient programs can only work if the patient is able to abstain from drugs and Alcohol while remaining home. Inpatient facilities are a better fit for those suffering from severe detox symptoms or co-occurring conditions. These are residential programs that have a focus on behavioral therapy and around-the-clock support.

Signs of Addiction

Addiction can occur at both the physical and psychological levels. A person suffering from addiction will start to exhibit behaviors that prioritize their drug or alcohol use over other important activities in their life. Loved ones may see a marked change that includes erratic behavior and mood swings. Addicted people may face legal issues, broken relationships, and other social issues as they continue to get worse. Unfortunately, only the person who’s suffering from the addiction can ask for and accept treatment. They must be aware of their problem and willing to do whatever it takes to find a solution.
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Eugene, OR

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