Summit, NJ

Choose from 3 Addiction Treatment Centers in Summit, NJ

Summit is in Union County, New Jersey. The town has 21,457 residents. Although this town is not large, they are still affected by drug and alcohol addiction. However, they have put a lot of resources together in order to educate the residents. Resources include prevention, hotlines, advocacy, recovery support, and treatment resources. When It comes to treatment centers there are numerous options that include both inpatient and outpatient. Research is extremely important in your search for the right treatment center.

Inpatient Options

Inpatient care is available in Summit, New Jersey. They offer care for those suffering with mental health issues, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. Services are available for both adolescents and adults. These types of facilities specialize in many mental health disorders including PTSD. Psychiatrist, counselors, and many other qualified mental health professionals are staffed by these facilities. These expert professionals customize a treatment plan that would best fit each individual patient. Detox is usually available onsite as well as outpatient and partial hospitalization programs.

Outpatient Options

Outpatient options are those that offer a lot of the same services as inpatient. The difference is that people attend therapy or counseling several times a week over a period of time. An initial assessment is made that determines the length of treatment needed. The benefit of these types of programs is the flexibility it offers to those who still have family commitments or jobs they are unable to take off time from.
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