Orange, NJ

Choose from 4 Addiction Treatment Centers in Orange, NJ

The City of Orange is located in Essex County, New Jersey with a population of 30,134. In the year 2017, 7,314 residents of Essex County sought treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. If you are one of the many affected by addiction in Orange, then you have some options to consider for treatment.

Choosing a Treatment Option

The decision to enter treatment can be a tough one. Whatever the reason you are there it is best to research which options are right for you in Orange, New Jersey. Inpatient treatment offers a range of therapies including medication, cognitive, and behavioral all while the patient lives in the facility. The length of stay may range from 28 days to 6 months. The intensity of the treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Outpatient treatment can offer a lot the same therapies but allows the patient to live at home while receiving treatment. This is beneficial to those who are unable to take off of work or are concerned about being away from home.

Aftercare Plans

Upon completion of treatment, it is wise to still get aftercare. Aftercare can be in the form of counseling or meetings; these will offer support and advice on how to live a normal life without drugs or alcohol. Continuing your work on your sobriety will lead to long term success.
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Orange, NJ


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