Private & Confidential
(877) 322-2450
Finding the right addiction treatment center only got easier with this particular drug and alcohol rehab in Albert Lea, MN. With the focus on drug abuse Treatment providers, Fountain Centers utilizes drug abuse treatment, detox, Accepts clients on opioid medication and Medications for psychiatric disorders). Serving Female and Male within the ages of Children/adolescents and Infants with a smoking policy of: Smoking permitted in specified area. The programs at Fountain Centers are eased in Residential, Outpatient, shortterm residential, Residential detox, Outpatient day treatment or partial hospitalization, Cosmetic Dentistry therapy and Regular outpatient treatment programs.
The addiction treatment programs only at that drug and alcohol facility in Albert Lea, Minnesota are managed through outpatient programs allowing patients to resume their fundamental day to day responsibilities while undergoing intensive treatment for addiction. Routine visits to the center will provide therapy sessions and unique group activities that teach patients crucial life-skills and tools necessary for coping with day to day challenges in a sober way.
With the most effective therapy, Fountain Centers utilizes Cognitive/behavioral therapy, Dialectical behavioral therapy, substanceabuse counselling approach, 12-step facilitation approach, Contingency management/motivational Motivational interviewing, Anger direction and relapse-prevention to address each challenge patients experience when learning to reside in sobriety. A number of the special classes and programs which can be managed routinely provide intensive therapy that address underlying issues that led to the enthusiast to utilize at first. These distinctive groups and programs are all Adolescents, Adult girls and younger men.
Drug and alcohol addicts that become patients in Fountain Centers in Albert Lea, MN are extremely vulnerable. Through the duration of their period in this addiction treatment facility, they develop inspirational productive taxpayers that people have been very proud of. In addition to all of the treatment, the ancillary services accessible at this center comprises:
Lending recovery in Fountain Centers can be acquired with Money or self-payment, State financed medical insurance coverage other than Medicaid and Personal medical insurance.
If you're on the lookout for drug and alcohol treatment to yourself or a loved one and have more details regarding the services offered as of this center, we invite you to attain them out for additional assistance.
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