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(877) 322-2450
Here's a addiction treatment centre in Baltimore, MD that puts patient care at the top of the list together with their thorough drug and alcohol treatment companies concentrate on Substance Abuse Treatment Services. Providing these services efficiently, Valley Bridge House Inc is utilizes substanceabuse treatment, Buprenorphine maintenance, Buprenorphine used in treatment, Naltrexone (oral), Transitional home or halfway house, Utilize methadone/buprenorphine for pain control or emergency dosing, Accepts customers on antipsychotic drugs, Prescribes/administer buprenorphine and/or naltrexone and Disulfiram(Antabuse).
Supporting quality patient attention, this substance abuse treatment centre welcomes special programs that address underlying problems of addiction. These particular programs include Persons with co-occurring emotional and substance abuse disorders, Lesbian, Veterans, Active duty military, Military families, Customers referred from the court/judicial system, Seniors or older adults, Mature men, people who have HIV or AIDS, people that have experienced injury, people that have undergone sexual abuse, people that have experienced intimate partner violence and Transitional age young adults.
Focused on ensuring that patients receive customized treatment, this substance abuse treatment centre functions Male that fall into age brackets of Young adults and Adults. Upon the First assessment conducted by an addiction specialist, the patient is delegated a complete addiction treatment program specifically made to accommodate their unique circumstance.
Valley Bridge House Inc uses a elite selection of treatment ways to each application within Residential and Long-term residential.
The evidence-based treatment techniques used are highly curative and have shown tremendous success. They are
Treating alcohol and drug addiction is a very delicate process and this facility offers all-inclusive services which strengthen and develop the patient throughout their journey to sobriety. The heart solutions enforcing this model are:
The disease of addiction is extremely serious and requires qualified, professional care when seeking a sober living. Regrettably not every story is a success story. Funding this chance can be acquired and includes Cash or self-payment, usage of recovery (ATR) voucher and Federal.
Doing everything they can to help, payment assistance programs may also be provided.
If you have more questions regarding the services provided, we invite you to reach out to them directly so that they could appropriately address your inquiries.
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