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How can you quit smoking weed?

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  5. How can you quit smoking weed?
Asked: 2017-12-16 07:40:00
I would like to find out about quitting a habit or addiction to smoking weed.


Answered: 2017-12-17 05:05:50

The truth about smoking weed is that it will ruin anyones quality of life, including mine and yours. If you have had a smoking habit for a long time, you could try rehab. If its a short time thing maybe go to counseling to uncover why you started smoking weed to begin with.


Answered: 2017-12-18 00:21:29

There are many ways a person can quit smoking weed. A few of the ways are just white knuckling it and abruptly stopping, with medical help (found at a detox center & various treatment places) or with the help of a 12-step program (12-step programs seem to make quitting weed and other drugs alot easier).

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