Does alcohol withdrawal cause seizures?
Asked: 2018-09-04 19:30:05
I have a person that I know very well that seems to have mini seizure like movements at least hourly. The person is also going through alcohol withdrawal and is not doing well just in general. Could the seizures be caused by the alcohol withdrawal?
Bryanna Walsh
Answered: 2018-09-05 11:55:59
Everyone knows or should know that alcohol withdrawal causes seizures, whethers its you or a person close to you, contact somewhere that can help you detox from alcohol so seziures wont be a problem.
Answered: 2018-09-05 18:28:43
If you are severely alcoholic and get withdrawal without drinking for a short amount of time, your physique has started to need alcohol in order to function. And in that case alcohol withdrawal will almost always cause seziures.
Friend of Bill W
Answered: 2018-12-05 22:30:32