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Do you have to be in withdrawal to take suboxone?

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  5. Do you have to be in withdrawal to take suboxone?
Asked: 2017-11-04 13:30:00
I cold-turkeyed through heroin withdrawal and I'm now wanting to get high. Is it okay to take suboxone instead of do I have to be in withdrawal to take it?


Answered: 2017-11-06 07:53:09

Suboxone doesn’t require withdrawal to be taken. I would talk to a doctor who specializes in addiction and medicine for recovery maintence.


Answered: 2017-11-05 05:39:46

Despite the fact that suboxone helps subside withdrawal symptoms, you do not have to be in withdrawal or the on-set of it to take suboxone. Suboxone maintaince programs are fairly common.

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