Can drug withdrawal cause seziures?
Asked: 2018-05-05 23:13:10
In need of advice- I started tapering myself down off Klonopin and Hydrocodone. The taper lasted only until I ran out of my prescriptions. I started feeling shaky and dizzy, almost as if I was having a seizure, is this even possible?
Answered: 2018-05-07 09:55:22
Better to stay safe than sorry and if you really want to come off your medications you need to do it with a doctor, because drug withdrawal can cause seizures and be unsafe.
Answered: 2018-05-07 05:12:36
Ya man drug withdrawals can cause seizures. A few of my buddies have had a similar experience and ended up going to the ER. Don't withdrawl on your own dude.
Frank D.
Answered: 2018-11-19 17:33:43