What are withdrawal symptoms of suboxone?
Milagros Leblanc
Asked: 2018-04-18 16:33:24
Suboxone has been in my system for a couple weeks. I can’t stop using it. I tried doing it less but im pregnant. Can I stop?
Kayla Villanueva
Answered: 2018-04-19 06:52:37
Suboxone is used to taper off other worst drugs not start a new habit. Doctors prescibe it solely for it ability to help get sober so it can’t be too bad ditch. You can make your symptoms chill if you vap marijuana. This will help too cause you’ll be hella irritable and sad af! Do research on what’s worse for the baby. Suboxone or vape marijuana.
Answered: 2018-04-19 23:24:42