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What are the withdrawl symptoms of lsd?

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  5. What are the withdrawl symptoms of lsd?
Asked: 2018-02-09 15:09:04
I was the kid of two hippies, and my dad loved psychedelics. I’ve never NOT had a steady supply of acid, and I microdose every single day. I think I need to quit, because my dad finally freaked out and had to be hospitalized. Will there be withdrawals, and what are they like?


Answered: 2018-02-11 14:32:13

I’ve never really heard of anyone having major withdrawal symptoms aside from insomnia or appetite changes. That’s not a super typical drug to be addicted to. I think the biggest problem you’ll have a psychological, and you probably want to keep using it because you believe that it’s helping you somehow. Try talking to a doctor and see what they have to say.


Answered: 2018-02-10 10:17:18

I was a microdoser, too. When I quit, I just had a really hard time sleeping for a few days, and then my stomach got upset a little bit. It wasn’t horrible, but I definitely felt different. It does some weird things to your brain, and I don’t even think scientists understand all of it yet. If you feel too sick, try talking to treatment center.

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