What are the withdrawl symptoms of cocaine?
Asked: 2018-05-06 20:21:10
I started muling drugs when I was 10. I had an aunt that lived in Columbia, and I’d go visit her all the time. I literally swallowed condoms full of cocaine and ended up bringing them across the border back to California. Sounds exciting, right? Not really. It was terrifying, and I developed a pretty bad cocaine habit of my own. I want to be completely done with that life, and I’m worried about withdrawals. How will I know when they’re happening in what will they feel like?
Answered: 2018-05-08 14:59:14
Oh honey, I’m so sorry those people screwed with you like that! That stuff ticks me off. You deserve to get help, and you should be ashamed to tell somebody that you have a problem. They can help you to stop using at a rehab facility. If you start feeling tired or a little bit sick, then you may be going through your withdrawals. Sometimes you may also feel sweaty or like you have a bad cold. This won’t last forever, and you’ll be okay in about five days.
Answered: 2018-05-07 02:12:55