Denver, CO

Choose from 80 Addiction Treatment Centers in Denver, CO

In Colorado, the major drug abuse still seems to be related to marijuana. But based on the data for admissions and hospital discharges, Denver is struggling with more than just marijuana use. Most cases of addiction are related to Heroin and prescription medications. If you are looking for Denver addiction treatment centers, you can review our listing for the rehab centers around Denver, CO. The treatment data provided will be able to help you determine which facility will best suit your situation.

Addiction Treatment Programs in Denver

It is known statewide that rehabilitation centers can be found anywhere in Colorado. The city of Denver itself offers multiple types of program for the patients. Some of them are residential treatment, Intensive Outpatient Program and Outpatient Program. The residential treatment also known as inpatient, is a highly structured program where patients reside at the treatment facility. They will be receiving intensive individual therapy and psychiatric evaluation. The outpatient programs allow the patients to attend multiple treatments while still managing their outside responsibilities.

Alcohol and Drug Detoxification Services

Most rehab centers in Denver offer clinically supervised detox for patients. Detox is available at most residential treatment facilities in Denver. Alcohol detoxification will usually take place between 2 to 7 days. Detox treatments related to heroin, cocaine and other opiates will also last up to 7 days. For more information on which facilities in Denver offer detox and intervention, you can view our listed rehab centers.

Treating Underlying Co-Occurring Conditions

It’s important to determine whether a patient has dual diagnosis disorders. This is because underlying personality and mental disorders continue to trigger relapse. Symptoms of addiction tend to be like the first stage of mental illness. If a rehab center can determine a dual diagnosis in a patient, it will help the treatment to progress more effectively.
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Denver, CO

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