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(877) 322-2450
Finding the right addiction treatment center only got easier with this specific drug and alcohol rehab in Rancho Mirage, CA. With the attention on Mental health solutions, Eisenhower Behavioral Health uses mental health therapy.
Patients begin addiction treatment by getting a thorough assessment to identify a customized treatment plan within the proper setting. Serving Female and Man within the ages of adults, Adults and Seniors (65 or older) using a smoking policy ofSmoking not permitted. The programs at Eisenhower Behavioral Health are facilitated in Outpatient applications.
The addiction treatment programs only at that drug and alcohol facility in Rancho Mirage, California are managed through outpatient programs allowing patients to resume their fundamental day to day responsibilities while receiving intensive treatment for addiction. Regular visits to the center will provide therapy sessions and unique group activities that teach patients essential life-skills and gear necessary for coping with day to day challenges in a sober manner.
With the best therapy, Eisenhower Behavioral Health utilizes Individual psychotherapy, Couples/family therapy, Group therapy, Cognitive/behavioral therapy, Dialectical behavioral therapy and Behavior modification to address each challenge patients experience after learning how to stay in sobriety. Many of the special classes and programs that are managed routinely provide intensive therapy that address underlying conditions that led the enthusiast to utilize at first. These distinctive groups and programs are.
Drug and alcohol addicts that become patients at Eisenhower Behavioral Health in Rancho Mirage, CA are extremely susceptible. All through their time at this addiction treatment centre, they develop inspirational productive citizens that people are very pleased with. In addition to most of of the treatment, the ancillary services offered at this centre comprises:
If you are looking for drug and alcohol treatment for a loved one and do have more details regarding the services offered as of this facility, we encourage you to achieve them out for further assistance.
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