Phoenix, AZ

Choose from 87 Addiction Treatment Centers in Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix, AZ, has seen a continual decline in acute Cocaine use as the rate of Methamphetamine and Opiate use has skyrocketed. This is a city that has fought a very long battle with addiction and recreational drug use. The remote location of surrounding areas has given way to Meth labs and easy trafficking routes. The rate of addiction hasn’t necessarily gone down, it simply shifted to a different drug of choice. It’s becoming apparent that drugs and alcohol are a problem that can only be fought on a professional front. The only hope of recovery lies in finding a treatment facility capable of providing the necessary services.

Differences Between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

Inpatient facilities are residential programs offering extended-stay options for those who need supervision during detox or treatment for addiction co-occurring with other disorders. Many times, inpatient stays are preceded by an intervention that prompts the addict to seek help. Outpatient programs are generally offered to those who need a more flexible schedule. These often provide the same level of behavioral and psychological treatment while allowing the patient to go home at the end of each day. This is an excellent option for those who need to continue attending work or have familial obligations.

Succeeding in Treatment

The only way to reach recovery and to succeed in a treatment plan is to understand that help is needed, and to reach out to a licensed facility. It’s very difficult to stop using drugs and alcohol on your own. Many people underplay the negative effect that it has on their lives in order to justify continued use. This is another symptom of addiction and one that needs to be seen to as quickly as possible. Addiction doesn’t have to rule someone’s life. There are treatment options available to those who are serious about seeking them out.
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