Private & Confidential
(877) 322-2450
Helping patients and families heal from a variety of drug and alcohol abuse issues is what this substance abuse treatment facility in Dillingham, AK specializes in. With services primarily based on General health services, each patient receives individualized treatment services which include: Substance abuse treatment , Do not treat opioid addiction and Medications for psychiatric disorders).
The rehab facility hosts a positive, healing environment influencing patients to feel empowered to move forward and work towards a bright future. Each patient begins their treatment for addiction within a Outpatient , Regular outpatient treatment and General Hospital(including VA hospital) program designed to accommodate the patient's unique needs and requirements.
Based on the initial assessment, patients have a treatment program designed detailing the course of treatment. Outpatient therapy allows the patient to remain at their residence while making the required visits to the facility to undergo their intensive therapy.
The therapists and counselors at Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation are well-qualified and are committed to healing the mind, body and spirit of Female and Male within the age groups of Young adults and Adults.
Making sure that all walks of life are welcome, there are also special language services offered which include Native American Indian or Alaska Native languages. There is a smoking policy which dictates: Smoking permitted in designated area.
Getting treatment at this drug and alcohol addiction rehab means you get well-researched, evidence-based treatment and therapy. Their treatment approaches are impressive, including: Cognitive/behavioral therapy, Substance abuse counseling approach , Motivational interviewing , Anger management and Relapse prevention .
These unique treatment approaches support the special programs and groups that Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation works with which are: .
Supporting their highly esteemed substance abuse treatment are the core services which include:
Healing the mind, body and spirit from the disease of addiction is priceless, however there are financing options available for treatment at this drug and alcohol treatment center in Dillingham, Alaska which are Cash or self-payment, Medicaid, Medicare, Private health insurance, Military insurance (e.g. and Federal.
In addition, there is also financial assistance available which includes Sliding fee scale (fee is based on income and other factors).
If you are interested in learning more about this facility, we encourage you to reach out to them directly so that they may appropriately address your questions.
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